Thursday, October 15, 2009

VOX valvetronix and Ibanez prestige Rg1570!!!

Sincerely, I'm not the techy type. Sometimes the technology catches my attention but only because the objects are "pretty", even so, the technology is not essential in my life.

I was thinking a lot of time what im going to show you in this occasion,
I thought to put my iPod that comes with me to all the places that i go, but finally i chose to show you a group that being really simple , is one of the more i like , my VOX Valvetronix and my Ibanez Prestige RG 1570. Maybe you are asking: what are these rare names?, they are the brand and model of my electric guitar and my amplifier favourites of the 3 amps and 2 guitars that I have. Unlike of the acoustic guitars, an electric guitar works with electricity and it doesn't sound by itself , it needs a "translator" which will produce the sound, this is the amplifier.

I had a time playing guitar and this wasn't giving to me what i needed, then i needed to progress buying a new guitar and amplifier, believe it or not not all the guitars sound equal, especially the electric guitar. 3 years ago, I bought the amplifier in Audiomusica and the guitar by Internet, It was very difficult to find becouse it is a "economic model" compared with the quality that it delivery, then it is very requested.

Well, why are they technological?. The electric Guitar isn't very technological, but the amplifier has a very modern system. Usually a classic amplifier works as a radio speaker producing one single and unique sound, but VOX valvetronix has a digital technology that can simulate the sound of 11 different amplifiers and has 11 effects like delay, chorus, flanger, distortion, etc. and this added with a valve that gives a sound very profesional.
Then I can connect my guitar to the amp and use it to produce tones from bossa nova to hardrock!, is impressive the variety of sounds that can be created. This is one of the reasons of why I love so much: know that I can have all in one and this way to be able to create my own sound!, also because it is one of the unique property that I have, because i had
to work and save to buy it with MY money. Finally because I can express , relax and forget for a moment the world and the problems.

Unfortunately, lately I can't play guitar, because I have to study hard and I spend my free time sleeping, but I must admit that when my mind collapses I sit down and I start to play. I don't know how can i endure so much time without playing.

My guitar and my amp was a stage in my life, defined who I am today, I met to many people and very good friends with my guitar and amp, I dont know how would be my life without them, maybe everything would be boring because I would spend my free time watching TV alone in my house.

This is why VOX valvetronix and Ibanez prestige Rg1570 are my favourites technological objects


  1. Georgi!!!

    I never listen of your VOX valvetronix and Ibanez prestige Rg1570. Is very interesting becouse it is not a tipically object for me and I learn with this description.

    I see you in the University ... bye bye!!

  2. Hi, I like your object
    I like the music and I think that
    the part cultural is very important for you.
    See you later in the university, bye.

  3. Hi, a very good post, I see that you really like to play the guitar, and that is very good because you spend time doing something that I think that is better than spending time in facebook or messenger xD and it is very good :P

    I see you in the university, Bye.

    P.D: It's too much cheap to build you PC, and its too much better :D

  4. Sincerely, I'm not the techy type. Sometimes the technology catches my attention but only because the objects are "pretty", even so, the technology is not essential in my life.

    I was thinking a lot of time what im going to show you in this occasion,
    I thought to put my iPod that comes with me to all the places that i go, but finally i chose to show you a group that being really simple , is one of the more i like , my VOX Valvetronix and my Ibanez Prestige RG 1570. Maybe you are asking: what are these rare names?, they are the brand and model of my electric guitar and my amplifier favourites of the 3 amps and 2 guitars that I have. Unlike of the acoustic guitars, an electric guitar works with electricity and it doesn't sound by itself , it needs a "translator" which will produce the sound, this is the amplifier.

    I had a time playing guitar and this wasn't giving to me what i needed, then i needed to progress buying a new guitar and amplifier, believe it or not not all the guitars sound equal, especially the electric guitar. 3 years ago, I bought the amplifier in Audiomusica and the guitar by Internet, It was very difficult to find becouse it is a "economic model" compared with the quality that it delivery, then it is very requested.

    Well, why are they technological?. The electric Guitar isn't very technological, but the amplifier has a very modern system. Usually a classic amplifier works as a radio speaker producing one single and unique sound, but VOX valvetronix has a digital technology that can simulate the sound of 11 different amplifiers and has 11 effects like delay, chorus, flanger, distortion, etc. and this added with a valve that gives a sound very profesional.
    Then I can connect my guitar to the amp and use it to produce tones from bossa nova to hardrock!, is impressive the variety of sounds that can be created. This is one of the reasons of why I love so much: know that I can have all in one and this way to be able to create my own sound!, also because it is one of the unique property that I have, because i had
    to work and save to buy it with MY money. Finally because I can express , relax and forget for a moment the world and the problems.

    Unfortunately, lately I can't play guitar, because I have to study hard and I spend my free time sleeping, but I must admit that when my mind collapses I sit down and I start to play. I don't know how can i endure so much time without playing.

    My guitar and my amp was a stage in my life, defined who I am today, I met to many people and very good friends with my guitar and amp, I dont know how would be my life without them, maybe everything would be boring because I would spend my free time watching TV alone in my house.

    This is why VOX valvetronix and Ibanez prestige Rg1570 are my favourites technological objects

    well done!! that´s something I have never heard before...
    be careful with the number of words since it´s too long

    p.s. you got a 6

  5. Georgi!
    I don't believe you that "You are not the techy type", I like to have read that when you play guitar you feel relax, at the same time I understand you when you said that you have to spend your free time sleeping.
    It's interesting that your guitar and your amp defined who you are today! It makes me happy!

    see ya!

    Bye Bye!

  6. Oh hell!! Your amplifier is great dude, my amplifier just have 3 different effects :(.
    I'm agree with you, that music relax our minds and the world is forgotten.

    Bye Saíd XD

  7. wow... i like your guitar!!
    i have one too.. but I'm pretty bad guitar playing
    well.. take care
