Saturday, November 21, 2009

My ideal Job! ;)

What is my ideal job? This question is very difficult, because i don't know all the areas of veterinary medicine, I only know that I like science and animals. But if I could choose ANY job in the world, at this time, I would choose to work with exotic animals, especially elephants.

I love them!!, I think they are very intelligent and interesting animals for their behavior. I would like to work somewhere in Africa or Asia, especially Thailand, breeding elephants, take care of them and study them. I don’t care if I don’t have profit, I would be happy living in a place like "Dogtown" but of elephants. There are many reservations of elephants that have been displaced from their habitat by agricultural plantations or destruction of their habitat. These make events for tourists in the habitat of elephants and so they can pay their expense. One of my plans after leaving the university, is work and saving money to travel to know these places.

I know this sounds crazy, but who knows the twist of life?, maybe I do that, maybe I will work in a zoo with elephants, or simply I will work in another area, but no matter, even there is a long way to go.


  1. friday, october 30, 2009
    my favorite website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:

    One day in a friend's house , we were watching funny videos on youtube and suddenly a friend arrived to the house and showed us the website. It's link was It is a website with funny, freak and impressive content. There are all the famous and updated videos and photos. When you visit this page you have to enter under your responsability because when you are searching for funny videos you can find shocking videos or photos :S. I visit this page one day per week, when I'm WF boring and when i have free time, SP becase they publish one post per day, then I like to see all the videos of the week in the same visit. I really like this website SP becouse makes me SP laught a lot when I'm boring, and It'WF V s keep me updated of the last videos of the week , then when I hang out with my friends we can comment WFthis videos and have a great time :D!.

    PS: beware with the links in the website XD!

    i'll check it out!
    p.s. you got a 5.7
    posted by georgi at 9:54 am 1 comments
    friday, october 16, 2009
    My Picture with Mike Portnoy! :D

    This is my favourite picture. It was taken when Dream Theater came to Chile in 2008. I like it too much because it reminds me a great moment.

    All started one day when I came back from the school, then my mother called to me and said: Georgi , I'm in the Sheraton hotel with Dream Theater! come here!. I went flying to the Hotel. I arrived to the Hotel and my mom was waiting for me in the door to make me enter. There were a lot of people. When i was in, I asked to a bodyguard: where is the band? and he said: In the pool. In the pool was Mike Portnoy, the drummer of the band. He was sunbathing and I asked him for a picture. He said : Yes, sure!. He was very friendly. My mother took the camera and took the picture. I find it funny, because he was in swimsuit and the picture have a "beach style". I always will remember this day, because after the picture a friend called to me and telling that he was going to rent a room. Then we stayed all day in the hotel , we met all the band, even we had the dinner with the them. It was one of the best days of my life !

    Here is a video with a solo of John Petrucci ( lead guitar) in Chile. Enjoy!

    you are so lucky! good for you
    p.s. you got a 7 with this
    posted by georgi at 10:03 am 6 comments

  2. What is my ideal job? This question is very difficult, because i don't know all the areas of veterinary medicine, I only know that I like science and animals. But if I could choose ANY job in the world, at this time, I would choose to work with exotic animals, especially elephants.

    I love them!!, I think they are very intelligent and interesting animals for their behavior. I would like to work somewhere in Africa or Asia, especially Thailand, breeding elephants, take care of them and study them. I don’t care if I don’t have WW profit, I would be happy living in a place like "Dogtown" but of elephants. There are many reservations of elephants that have been displaced from their habitat by agricultural plantations or destruction of their habitat. These make events for tourists in the habitat of elephants and so they can pay their expense. One of my plans after leaving the university, is work and saving money to travel to know these places.

    I know this sounds crazy, but who knows the twist of life?, maybe I do that, maybe I will work in a zoo with elephants, or simply I will work in another area, but no matter, even there is a long way to go.
    posted by georgi at 9:16 am 0 comments
